Very good product, i am using it now for approx 2 months. good quality product
Worth the price that is inclusive of personilzation. Excellent quality
₹ 5,391
₹ 5,990
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×Spilling of water while the rice is boiling bothers me a lot. If you have any solution to this problem, kindly let me know. Thanks.
Hi Narinder,
We apologize for the inconvenience.
We have raised a complaint and the technician will come and visit your location and check the product.
Nice sturdy product. The aluminum made inner cookware was a disappointment. Sticks to the bottom if cooked in small quantities. Thought the product was of Indian origin while ordering. But the delivered one was Chinese which was a huge disappointment.
Hi Narayana
We are sorry for the experience..
Thank you for the feedback, we have made a note of the same.
Check out our blogs for ideas on how to get the most out of your Borosil products!
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Borosil Klip n Store Square Glass Container
Very good product, i am using it now for approx 2 months. good quality product
Worth the price that is inclusive of personilzation. Excellent quality