over all result is very good i am so happy to buy this product
Silver Rush
Terms and Conditions (T&C):
Every customer will be entitled one (1) silver coin for purchase of ₹5,000/- or above through Myborosil.com
Borosil Limited has the sole discretion and has the right to exclude or disqualify any person from participating in and availing the benefit of this Promotional Offer without any consequences and obligation to furnish any notice and/or reason.
The Promotional offer is open from 18th Nov 2023, 00.01 hours to 10th Dec 2023, 23.59 hours both dates inclusive (the “Promotional Offer Period”).
The silver coin dispatch will happen only after 10 days of delivery of all products under the order. If the product is found returned or cancelled, the Customer will be ineligible.
The product(s) replaced only due to damage or defect will be eligible for the silver coin(s).
Silver Coin eligibility is only applicable on the paid order value inclusive of all coupons and offer deals.
Borosil Limited reserves the right to modify/change all or any of the terms applicable to this offer or discontinue this offer without assigning any reasons or without any prior intimation whatsoever.
In case of any disputes, the decision of Borosil Limited shall be final.